Oh, look. Yeah, there’s some loose ends from the last story, sorry.
I’m sleepy, again. And sleepless, which is a good thing, I think. It means that I have more time to do things, which is awesome, even if it does mean more insomnia.
I’m okay with that.
Goodnight, dears.
– Drosh
So, my friend Jim and I started a little movie review show over on youtube. It’s called Super Happy Awesome Movie Time, and we review 1983’s Revenge of the Ninja in the first episode. It is kinda rough and I’m rather rambly in it, but we had fun making it, and we’ll make some more.
I hope you enjoy it, dears.
– Drosh
If this was a 1970s episode of Doctor Who, they’d escape and be captured a few more times. I’ll spare you that. You’re welcome.
There are piles of snow that are taller than me outside of my house. Now you know which one is mine.
– Drosh
Have you seen The King’s Speech yet? It’s really lovely.