beware the interference…
Hi folks!
Another tale from the ‘con…: While I was at Connecticon, I met Shelli Paroline, who is one of the artists who contributed to the awesome Star Wars fanbook Harvest Is When I Need You the Most. I bought all three issues of that, and I was about to leave her booth, when I noticed an awesome MST3K drawing that she had done. I bought a print of that, and we geeked out about MST3K for a bit.
You should totally go check out Shelli’s other work over at, and buy her stuff, too.
I really love her art style. The other artists who contributed to Harvest Is When I Need You the Most (and its sequels) are pretty full of win, as well. Harvest is a wonderful project, and I hope that something else comes from this collective group of awesome.
In other news: For those that have asked, Dad has gotten through his surgery, and is healing. Thanks for all your kind wishes!
Be well, dears…
– Drosh
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